Cockroach Problems?
A&A is Your Best Solution
We know roaches can be quite the menace! They are hard to track down and even harder to rid from your home for good.
A&A has the right experience and expertise to solve your roach problem now and moving forward.
Cockroaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces.
Germs that cockroaches eat from decaying matter or sewage are protected while in their bodies and may remain ineffective for several weeks longer than if they had been exposed to cleaning agents, rinse water, or just sunlight and air. Recent medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens cause lots of allergic reactions in inner city children. They were even shown to cause asthma in children. These allergens build up in deposits of droppings, secretions, cast skins, and dead bodies of roaches.

What is an American Cockroach?
The American cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches. It is reddish brown, with a yellowish figure 8 pattern on the back of the head and can grow to 2 inches long. American cockroaches are found in food processing areas and food storage areas, as well as other types of buildings. They are active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions. They are often found in sewers and basements, particularly around pipes and drains.

Adults are about 1 3/8-2 1/8 inches long. Their color variation is usually reddish-brown except for a submarginal pale brown to yellowish band around the edge of the prenatal shield. Last segment of cercus at least 2 times longer than wide. Both sexes are fully winged with wings of the male extending beyond the tip of the abdomen whereas, female’s do not. These cockroaches are poor to moderately good fliers. The egg capsule dark reddish to blackish brown. It is about 3/8 inches long.
American cockroaches are found in residences but are commonly found in large commercial buildings such as restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, etc. There they infest food-storage and food-preparation areas, basements, etc. During summer months, they can be found outdoors in yards and alleys. It is the most common species found in the city sewer systems. They can enter structures by being brought in, coming up from the sewer system via drains or occasional mass migration from other structures, dumps, etc., usually in the warmer weather. They show a likeness for fermenting foods.
What is an Asian cockroach?
The Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai (Mizukubo), is a little less than ¾” long when it is full-grown. It is a tan-colored roach with two dark stripes that run the length of its body. Asian cockroaches reproduce quickly. There have been reports of Asian cockroach populations as high as 250,000 insects per acre.
Adults are about 1/2-5/8 inches in length. They are light brown to tan except for 2 dark longitudinal stripes on the pronotal shield. These cockroaches are strong fliers when they do. These are difficult to identify because of their color patterns being so close to the German cockroach. Asian cockroaches not only readily fly but are strong fliers, but capable of traveling more than 131 feet at a time. Adults will take flight when disturbed, even during the daytime. They are often transferred by having the habit of hitchhiking on campers and recreational vehicles coming from infested campgrounds.
Since Asian cockroaches can occur in great numbers, a fairly large amount of bait might be needed. The bait will have to be re-applied from time to time because more roaches will fly into the yard. Many homeowners find it more convenient to rely on pest control professionals to control the Asian cockroach.